Wednesday, September 5, 2007

India remains world's favourite outsourcing destination

When it comes to outsourcing, India continues to rule as the favourite global destination, even though factors like emergence of cheaper destinations, employee and salary crunch are adversely affecting the sector, a recent study shows.

India holds an edge as it commands global confidence to produce perfect Turn Around Time (TAT), a recent study by recruitment solutions provider Elixier Solutions shows.

TAT is the time needed for performing a task, especially receiving, completing, and returning an assignment.
"At present outsourcing business in India is increasing at a rate four times more than any other country and the county has the resource and margin to meet the competition," a partner in Elixier Solutions Vipul Prakash said.

According to the study, growing at a rate of 40 per cent annually, India is the lead player in this sector followed by China at the second spot with a growth rate of 25 per cent.

"Certain companies restrain from outsourcing their practices thinking it to be a luxury practice which only organisations having deep pockets can afford," Elixir Web Solutions Associate Partner Jacob Samuel said.

The overall outlook of this industry seems positive with experts predicting that the global market for shared services would grow to 1.43 trillion dollar by the end of 2009 from 1,000 billion dollar at present.

Although India and China are the market leaders in this sector, there are huge opportunities present in the market to give ample space to other countries like Philippines, Vietnam, Romania, Kenya, Sri Lanka and North America market to grow, the report said.

The study also said although it is unlikely that India would be able to retain its number one slot with China aggressively trying to outstrip it in the business, it would still be able to get a decent share of the pie.

Also, processes like human resource, insurance, life sciences, finance, legal services, technical support, risk management, supply chain and media would come up in a big way in terms of business and employment opportunities, the study added.

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